Life Quotes

  • “Loud splashes are from the brooks but the depth of ocean is calm.”

    • “If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart..”

      • “Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself.”

Words in English - Give the Thumbs Up.

Give the thumbs up
Today's Phrase
To give something the thumbs up means to approve of it or show you support it.

For example:
Daisy's cake was delicious – I'd 

definitely give it the thumbs up.

Wait until I give the thumbs up 

before you send that email to 

head office.

The boss just gave me the 

thumbs up to take three days off next week. 
Don't confuse it with
To 'thumb through something' means to casually look through a 

book or magazine.
For example:
I was in a rush so I only got to thumb through your novel on the train.
At the hairdresser's salon, Helen enjoyed thumbing through their selection of magazines.
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